Monday, October 29, 2007

Huis Close!

I have ONE square to go on my sister's combination wedding and X-mas gift. One square, about 100 ends to weave in and possibly a crochet border. I am so so sad to be giving this away, but hey! I can always make another six-months-in the making project using over TWO MILES of yarn.

It's a mystery to me how there can be any person who knits and doesn't believe in evolution. How can you knit and not think of DNA? In knitting you have 2 basic stitches --the knit and the purl -- DNA has four bases that combine to make bacteria and badgers and butterflies and Brontosauri. How can you not make the connection from simple beginning to fractal complexity? I never really understood how you could pack so many nucleotides into chromosomoes until I knitted this massive fucking afghan.


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