My Latest Invention: Udon with Fiery Tempeh, Red Cabbage, Broccoli and Coconut Peanut Sauce

Cube tempeh. Prepare marinade: 1/2 cup rice vinegar or wine, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup maple syrup, 4 cloves of garlic, 1/4 cup+ of sriracha hot sauce. Maybe a dash of cardamom and black pepper. Cover tempeh and bake in a baking dish covered with foil at 400 for 25 minutes, stir it some, cover and continue to bake for 20 minutes, uncover and let bake for 10 more or until sauce is mostly evaporated but not burned.
While tempeh cooks, prep veggies (shred red cabbage and lightly steam broccoli florets) and udon (cook it, drain, toss with a generous amount of sesame oil to prevent sticking.)
Make the peanut sauce too. Heat a little bot of water over low-medium heat, and add 1 cup of peanut butter, slowly so it will emulsify and get liquidy. Then gradually add about 3/4 can of coconut milk, more or less to taste. Using a whisk is good.
When the tempeh is done, remove from oven. In your big pan or wok sautee 4 cloves of minced the garlic in coconuut or peanut oil (could could add ginger as well, we were just out) for about 1 minute. Add the red cabbage until cooked, color is brighter, but still crisp -ish. Add the udon and tempeh chunks and mix thoroughly. Turn off the heat, and serve with broccoli florets on top and douse with a liberal scoop of peanut sauce.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both!
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