Reality = Treason In This Great Fucking Nation Of Ours

Hai, Hillary! I can haz question?
Why is "mis-spoke" the new "lied"? Why not say you “bespoke” about something, i.e., you MADE UP SHIT TO ORDER?
Re: Obama’s speech. It was pretty amazing, and I wept. I finally got the whole Obamamania thing. But here’s the catch – Why is he apologizing for Reverend Wright’s words?
"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless
WTF? All of that is TRUE! Reverend Wright is SPEAKING THE TRUTH! And what makes me very sad is that Obama’s amazing speech was occasioned by a need to distance himself from the truth. And that despite the stark honesty in his speech about how class divides exacerbate racial tension, he doesn’t support single payer health care. Among other things.
But sadder still is how the fact that the Wright “controversy” even exists shows how entrenched and crazy race issues are in this country, as white pastors get to spew completely INSANE hateful shit – Evolution is a lie! Women are whores who don’t deserve to own their own bodies and like shooting fetus angels out of heaven like so much Precious Moments skeet! The Rapture is coming! Gay peoples is evil! – a black pastor actually discussing REALITY is treason?
I just said EXACTLY THIS to David the other day!
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