Where Have I Been?
I love Australian Cattle Dogs. We went to Westminster last month and one of the nicest dogs we met was a dog named Lincoln who won Best of Breed. I am all melty-dog-crazy and am currently crushed out on a dog we saw yesterday en route to yoga, a sweet 3 month old Australian Shepherd/ Bernese Mountain Dog mix (according to his person). I mean, that is the perfect-est breed mix ever.
What else? Trey put up bookshelves and I rearranged the books. I invented a killer lemongrass-miso soup with watercress. Watched Marion Cotillard win the Oscar. Trimmed my own hair.
Today I am wearing an all green and brown outfit at work, big departure from the usual black. My shoes are from CutesyShoes.com; mahogany brown mary janes with a 3 inch slim heel, (not leather and not sweaty-making), brown fishnets, a greeny-brown tiny-tweed skirt given to me by an ex-friend, a grasshopper-green t-shirt from J Crew that I bought for five bucks at the thrift store on Metropolitan, an aphid green pinup-girl sweater from my mother-in-law, and actual makeup. Somewhere between hot librarian and extra from Vertigo. Yeah. Perhaps. I walked out for a good half-hour just now and it is deliciously springy. Sitting on the low edge of the block-length fountain on 6th Avenue across from Radio City, the light was white and celebratory and invincible -- the hyper-bleached astringent dazzle of near-death experiences and alien abductions.
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