I Can't Believe I'm Telling You This

I am officially addicted to the Urbanbaby.com message boards. I cannot tear myself away from exchanges such as these:
-just found out a friend's dh cheated on her with a neighbor over a year ago. she now suspectshe is cheating again with a coworker. she has no idea about the cheating last year. i can't tell her and just feel awful. ugh.
* tell her asap, what kind of friend are you if you don't
o would be betraying my dh and then what kind of wife would i be?
o OMG, I would not open my mouth, leave this alone like the ticking bomb it is
+ op: that is my theory. i listen to her and am supportive but don't want to get in the middle of it
* Re: just found out a friend's dh cheated on her with a neighbor over a year ago. she now suspectshe is cheating again with a coworker. she has no idea about the cheating last year. i can't tell her and just feel awful. ugh. (more)
OR this:
# any fresh direct $ off coupons? don't care about free meat or shrimp.Oh, the humanity!
New York - Jul 17th, 2006 10:39pm
ok, why the hell is my fresh direct shopping cart now $170. am I normal?
* depends on how frequently you shop. i spend about $100 every week or so.
o not as often. i sometimes use it to restock....so maybe i'm not going crazy
* just spent $150 at fairway today - still nothing to eat in the house
o lol. ok, I don't feel so bad anymore. i also got diapers, water, stocked up on chicken, etc.
* don't forget your free code - shrimp at checkout
o yup, thanks!
o stupid question - does it get you free shrimp or a discount?
+ nope. A box of oatios.
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