Housewife Vacation

Trey and I had planned on driving to Maine today to visit his sister who is back from Europe, but our trip got delayed until Thursday. I had already taken off work and gotten a temp, so I am hiding out at home playing housewife.
I woke up and checked on our garden before going out to buy olive oil and the Post to read about this. [What a killer lede!] See our basil?
Our neighbor, Mrs Pantani (remember her yard?) saw me gardening the other day and brought over these basil plants ("FROM-A ITALY!") and told me to keep them in water until I could plant them "IN-A DA NIGHT!" which I dutifully did. It was steaming hot even in the morning and I could smell the simmering basil from a near-standing position. [Behind the basil are sunflowers! They grow so fast!]
I think Mrs. Pantani likes being kind to the young newlywed housewife on her block. I like being the young housewife on the block. We rode the subway to work together the other day: she works two days a week in the garment district hand-sewing buttonholes.
I came home and made myself a big batch of kale with garlic and nutritional yeast [I AM INCREASING MY FOLATE INTAKE. YOU KNOW WHY!!] and am reveling in the feeling of BEING AT HOME with my sleeping husband in the next room. This morning, despite the heat and the landlord's son tromping around upstairs waiting for his next fix, and the form letter from the funeral home, all is right today, like wiggling your toes in the sand.
Ahhhh. I'm with you.
Well, not really, because I'm working.
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