The Absolute Worst Until The Next Time

Above Image: You, Me, Everyone We Know
How can anyone, Christian "ID" types in particular, find anything specially super-chosen-awesome about the human race, when there is shit like this?
The crowd is getting ugly. Soldiers roll up in a Hummer. Suddenly, the whole right half of your body is screaming in agony. You feel like you've been dipped in molten lava. You almost faint from shock and pain, but instead you stumble backwards -- and then start running. To your surprise, everyone else is running too. In a few seconds, the street is completely empty.Hmmm. No consideration of the chaos and injury that would ensue when hundreds or thousands of people start fleeing in panic because they feel their skin "melting" off. What is the guarantee of "almost" fainting? What if you are pregnant, what if you are three years old, what if you are epileptic? Hasn't the utterly rampant misuse of the taser taught us anything about so called "nonlethal" weapons?
You've just been hit with a new nonlethal weapon that has been certified for use in Iraq -- even though critics argue there may be unforeseen effects.
According to documents obtained for Wired News under federal sunshine laws, the Air Force's Active Denial System, or ADS, has been certified safe after lengthy tests by military scientists in the lab and in war games.
But I guess they tested it, right? Our super-duper-trustworthy government made sure it was okay, right?
Lethal or non- : Let us pause for a moment, and think about what is involved in the process of thinking about a weapon that would make people suffer without actually killing them, designing a weapon that would make people suffer without killing them, constructing prototypes of a weapon to make people suffer, testing these prototypes, the inevitable early-use failures to cause suffering-but-not-quite-kill, etc.
I think the whole enterprise is a big fucking waste of $40 million tax dollars, money that could go to education, food, etc etc etc the shit the X-tian right doesn't care about, blah blah.
But I leave you with this:
Eye damage is identified as the biggest concern, but the military claims this has been thoroughly studied. Lab testing found subjects reflexively blink or turn away within a quarter of a second of exposure, long before the sensitive cornea can be damaged. Tests on monkeys showed that corneal damage heals within 24 hours, the reports claim.WOW MAN! Dude, this weapon is so safe if I were protesting the WTO I TOTALLY would not go BLIND, man! I might get cancer, but shit, you'd need a SPECULUM to HOLD MY EYES OPEN, man!
"A speculum was needed to hold the eyes open to produce this type of injury because even under anesthesia, the monkeys blinked, protecting the cornea," the report says.
Wow, corneal damage in crucified monkeys heals in less than 24 hours. RAD! So that makes it a) okay to torture primates to get this vital security information b) okay to damage the corneas of anyone through torturous force as long as it is less than 24 hours?
Is it okay to sodomize my toddler for less than 24 hours as long as she heals and doesn't remember what happened? Is it okay to rape me for less than 24 hours as long as I don't get an STD and no one finds out?
This whole ridiculous fucking article is only a core sample of how completely foul our world has become. Let's just cut to the chase and yield to the Vivisection Republic of Gilead, where "reality" and "sentience" and "rights" and "particularity" are obscenities, and that we can all be proud for spiriting Mengele down south: for the father of our true country has taught us everything we "know."
Fuck dude. I mean...fuck.
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